
Join Dutch and Protect Public Education

When Republicans take issue with President Trump, you know it’s bad.

A GOP Senator just told Education Secretary Betsy DeVos that President Trump’s education budget proposal is a “difficult budget to defend.”

President Trump wants to cut a drastic $10.6 billion from the education budget.

Plain and simple, President Trump wants to take money out of public schools. He’s proposed cutting programs that are vital to students, especially those who are economically disadvantaged.

President Trump’s budget zeroes out funding for after-school programs, teacher training, and programs that support low-income and first-generation college students. He also wants to end federal work study programs, which would make it more difficult for students to afford college.

If we are serious about making this country great, we can’t short change the next generation. We need to invest in their educational opportunities — not weaken them.

Please add your name to urge President Trump and Betsy DeVos not to cut vital education programs.